Saturday, August 10, 2013

Estou Gostando do Brasil!

As of today, it has been one week that I have been in Brazil and I am loving it! My family has been so welcoming of me that I already feel comfortable here in their home. They are teaching me so much about they way they live, their culture, their language and of course about their food! I love all of it! My Portuguese is not great, but I am able to understand most of what people say. Speaking is definitely the more difficult part for me. I know that it will come with time because my host family is very helpful in teaching me Portuguese.They speak slowly, explain words to me when I don’t understand and are patient when I speak. Sometimes what I think I am saying, what I actually say and what my host family thinks I am saying are all different things. My conversations with my family are some of the most interesting, confusing, hilarious and enjoyable conversations I have here!

On Monday I went to school to meet the friends of my host sister, Clarice. Then on Thursday I went again for my first real day of school and it turned out that I am in the class that my host sister’s friends are in. It was great that I got to meet them before, so I knew some of my classmates before I started classes. My classmates were very welcoming and excited to talk to me. They told me about all the foods I should try, places to go and many other things.

I really enjoyed the social events I have gone to in Araçatuba. The night I arrived, I went out with my family for dinner at a famous restaurant in the city. Although I was exhausted, the food was delicious! Especially in comparison to the plane and airport food. On Thursday we had a Rotary father’s day party because my host dad is the president of our club. I loved meeting more wonderful Rotarians and Brazilians! Yesterday Clarice’s friends came over. We ate brigadeiro and had some fun girl time.
Overall, I am loving Brazil! The people, the food, the weather, the lifestyle, everything is amazing!

Next I have an assortment of pictures about my life so far.

This is my Backyard
 Here are some cool plants in my backyard.

A Maritaca
 Loro the bird.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Big Day!

Tomorrow is the big day! I will leave comfortable little Northfield for a new life in Araçatuba. I feel a little nervous to travel alone for the first time, but really I am not alone. Although I am traveling without my family for the first time I will be flying with Olivia Paulsen who is also an RYE from Northfield. Most of all I feel a great amount of comfort in that my lovely host family will be waiting for me at the airport when I arrive!

I can't wait to become part of their family!